Landlord reviews for

Christopher Odriscoll in London

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Christopher Odriscoll, London

Reviewed 1 December 2017
The landlord, at first, seemed pleasant and charming, however the façade soon changed when we complained about noise. The situation with the noise got so bad that we decided to leave, and be stung by exit fees, which we duly accepted. It later transpired that he did not put our deposit in the TDS. He however, stood by the notion that we had to pay the exit fees and not admitting to his error and acting in a bullish manner throughout. Eventually we agreed no exit fees and we would not take action for the deposit. At this point he tried to bully us into signing legal documents, even though this was all agreed on telephone/e-mails etc. He became very aggressive and manipulative throughout this process. Generally a very unpleasant individual who, in my opinion, is greedy and only cares about his profit margin. His final words to us were 'its business I'm afraid'. Unfortunately it is not business when it comes to tenants trying to live their lives.
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