Landlord reviews for

Jeff Brown in Southfields

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Jeff Brown, Southfields

Reviewed 15 May 2018
The landlord lives in South Africa and during our tenancy pretty much left us to our own devices, which was fine. However, as this is a Short Assured Tenancy, the deposit should have been registered with one of the government backed deposit protection schemes, but was not. When it came to getting our deposit back, communication from the landlord was virtually non-existant. It took two weeks for some of the deposit to be returned. Some of the deposit money had been retained without initial explanation (apparently for cleaning but this was never agreed or discussed before hand - he just withheld the money) or any evidence. Personally, I would avoid him as he has been quite uncommunicative and underhand in my opinion.
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