Landlord reviews for

David Tilyer in Mansfield

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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David Tilyer, Mansfield

Reviewed 11 June 2018
I found David Tilyer to be, at best, hard work. Trying to get repairs, or even a straight answer, out of this guy is like trying to get blood out of a stone. Sometimes you even have to decipher his messages as his spelling and grammar sometimes go AWOL. It took 3 months of chasing just to get him to arrange for the disgusting, filthy and bacteria ridden fridge freezer left in the property (which he had agreed to remove before we moved in) to be taken away. I had to manhandle. And a further 6 months for a replacement clip for one of the light fittings. He also likes to tell you to mind your language when you haven't used a single expletive. Never worked that one out at all. In short I would not recommend anyone do business with this guy. I was happy enough with the house and the area but dealing with him is 90% of the reason I decided I needed to move out. That and other properties nearby going for £100 a month less.,
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