Landlord reviews for

Caroline Groves-hill in Bristol

Average Landlord Rating: 2
Number of times reviewed: 2
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Caroline Groves-hill, Bristol

Reviewed 11 July 2018
She is unreasonable landlord at best. On multiple occasions there would be a house inspection during which she would tell anyone who was home things seemed okay to then write a scathing WhatsApp message to the tenants later in the day, often threatening to take money from our deposits for unreasonable or easily resolved issues.

Having had a falling out with a previous tenant, who most present in the house were friends with, it was dictated to us that we couldn't have a friend of ours in the house. His being there was in no way a violation of the tenancy agreement(although this may have been amended for future tenancy agreements). Upon seeing him at the house there was a torrent of shouting in the house aimed at him, which he received more of when he waited across the street for her to finish in the house. After this we we're threatened with eviction for his having been in the house.

On top of this the letting agents used failed to give proper notice when showing people the property(when we were moving out), meaning it was our fault the house wasn't constantly immaculate during the months long period it took them to find new tenants.

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Caroline Groves-hill, Bristol

Reviewed 11 July 2018
Landlord was a very difficult person to work with, could also be quite volatile and cause disruptions amongst the housemates. She would often perform 'house inspections' without prior notice, we had to remind her multiple times that she was required to give 24hrs notice before these inspections. When housemates were in during these inspections, she would grandly remark what excellent condition the house was in, only to call up later the same evening to complain that it was very untidy, dirty, had broken furniture, and would be taking from our deposits to fix these. Was slow to fix any issues and would insist maintenance on appliances, electrics and plumbing be carried out by tennants. When this was refused, she would eventually call a professional and then attempt to charge Tennant's through their deposit.
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