Landlord reviews for

Demetri Koursaris in Coventry

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Demetri Koursaris, Coventry

Reviewed 20 August 2018
Demetri is the worst landlord I have met yet. First of all, he is a liar: promises that the property will be refurbished, everything that's old will be changed, walls repainted, etc. He was supposed to refurbish the room I was renting before I move in, but it haven't changed one bit. Also, I moved out one month early while still paying for my rent and during that month he let in other people to live in the room while charging both me, and new people. Demetri Koursaris is probably one of the worst landlords you can meet in Coventry. Doesn't care about tenants, doesn't care about maintaining his property, the only thing he see's is money.
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