Landlord reviews for

Rajeev Dayal in Teddington

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Rajeev Dayal, Teddington

Reviewed 17 April 2024
the worst landlord I have seen so far!!! He did not resolve urgent issues for 6 months and we had to report him to the council. So many unpleasant issues with this awful landlord, I cannot decide which ones to tell! He did not provide inventory at the beginning, then we sent him a detailed report of the property. He dismissed our concerns and he buried us with almost 95 pages of inventory! When we left the property, he had so many false claims, I was seriously shocked by his shamelessness! Obviously we raised a dispute with deposit protections and they refuted his false claims (thanks god I took detailed images of the flat when we moved in) and returned our deposit back! This guy should be banned as landlord!!
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