Landlord reviews for

Lisa King in Balham

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Lisa King, Balham

Reviewed 15 May 2020
For most of the tenancy, we got on well with the landlord and there were no major issues, other than having to occasionally chase up a repair. However, once we gave notice that we were moving out it became a different story.

There were many demands to give viewings at short notice (less than 24 hours), some of which we were happy to agree to but others we were not. She would also come in and change around things in our flat before viewings, like removing covers from sofas. The worst was when she came in while we were at work and made our beds and moved things around in our kitchen. When we brought up how unacceptable this was, she became very angry and shouted at us, calling us the worst tenants she had ever had.

When we left the property, she tried to overcharge us for cleaning (£400) and for steam cleaning sofas which we had had covers on for the entire tenancy. She also failed to protect our deposit properly, so we pursued her for compensation, which we won.
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