Melrose Street

Belfast, Belfast, BT9 7DN
⭐ Ratings and reviews

Reviews of house or flat to rent at Melrose Street, Belfast, Belfast, BT9 7DN

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Average property rating
Property reviews (1)
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25 September 2020
Four bedroom HMO property. When moving in, it was assured there was no damp or mould. Upon moving in discovered the property was overtaken with both damp and mould and filled with many issues from clogged showers, black mould no insulation. In the kitchen, there was a large hole which leads straight to outside. This drew all the heat out of the property and left the temperature in the minus. Celigns also leaked water and nothing was ever fixed. Awful house to live in and would NOT recommend.

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