Red Lodge Hillside Road

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Reviews of house or flat to rent at Red Lodge Hillside Road, Hanger Hill, London, W5 2JA

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17 September 2023
When right-wing politicians talk about shiholes, I didn't understand what they imagined until I rented this flat. During the viewing, the flat was being repainted and "cleaned", so I figured it'd be in a decent condition when I move in.

God, was I wrong and how! Since the first day of moving in there have been nonstop issues. They said the flat was "professionally cleaned". The landlord's and letting agency's idea of a professional clean appears to be wipe down the surface with a cloth, and doesn't include dirt, grime, rubbish, mold and dead bugs, that's just out of reach of a superficial observation.

Right as well moved in, we noticed that the place we exceedingly dirty, floor tiles coming off, and the grouting replaced with mold everywhere. Mold in the kitchen counter, mold in the bathrooms, sinks, also everywhere. Not too bad, I can clean this I thought, and I did for the most part.

Not 2 months into the tenancy, some of my belongings, including wardrobe furniture, clothes, and storage bags were covered in mold. Upon further inspection I noticed that the entire wall these things were adjacent to was covered in black mold. I have an infant child and god knows for how long the baby's been breathing the spores in. Behind the radiators in every room, the wall's been painted dark with mold.
Communication with the letting agency has been a rollercoaster ride of condescending and patronising comments with black mold being called "just condensation" and "dirt". They think that I was born 3 days ago to not know the difference between black mold and condensation/dirt.
Some mold surveyor they sent, surveyed the place and said I need to open the windows and buy and have dehumidifiers running constantly. I've rented flats and apartments for almost 3 decades and have never had to have dehumidifiers running constantly. And open the windows when it's warmer, sure, but during the winter?? And then he asked me to not dry my clothes indoors. Where the heck am I supposed to dry my clothes then, especially during the winter and rain?

Then there's the issue with bugs. The flats foundation clearly has breaks and I've shown it to the letting agent, who at this point is the 3rd one to be handling it as the number of issues got too many for the other two juniors, as well as sent them photos and they said they're not gonna be able to do anything about it. The heck! They say that it's normal to have bugs. Ya, it's normal to have bugs but not a goddamned infestation! Seeing a couple of bugs here and there is one thing but despite using but sprays every night to only find tens of dead bugs every morning is not normal, or at least shouldn't be, and if it is I feel really bad for the people of the UK as they've been gaslit to believe this is normal.

I've been pleading with them to take care of these issues but no, the landlord can never be reached and if he is then he needs a whole weekend to go through the issues, which clearly indicates how many issues there are.

Anytime any issue comes up and is communicated to the letting agency, they say "ya the previous tenants were awful". How the heck is that my problem?! And if they knew the previous tenants were awful then why the heck wasn't this place thoroughly checked before being okayed to be let??

Then there's the showers. Flat has two for namesake. Neither work properly and the faucets are fickle minded as can be. First of all, getting the water to a comfortable temperature is a struggle, and then not a minute later, it goes to freezing and then again have to struggle to get it to a comfortable temperature only to be doused in scalding hot water. I've described this issue exactly to the letting agency in an email and the agent comes in, gets the water to the comfortable temp then says "look it's comfortable now". These people give Ricky Gervais a run for his money.

I have no idea what health issues all of this mold and bugs, dead and alive, have caused my baby, let alone me. I wish they at least let me break the lease since I'll take paying much more in rent to living in this shihole for £1900.

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