⭐ Ratings and reviews

Reviews of house or flat to rent at 16 Union Road, Falkirk North, Falkirk, FK1 4PG

7 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
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Property reviews (1)
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12 September 2019
The property on Union Road just off of the main street in Camelon looked a little rough from the outside but it was actually brilliant. Two bedrooms with en suite bathrooms and a large open plan living/kitchen/dining room was everything we were looking for. The upstairs was large too and we ended up using it for a gym/storage. There was minor mould in some rooms but nothing horrendous, or that couldn't be sorted with a little maintenance. The high ceilings also made it expensive to heat so getting a good energy deal is essential! At first I was concerned that the stairs leading to the front door also gave access to wannabe burglars for the glass dootlrs upstairs, however, living there over a year, we never had any trouble and the neighbourhood was very safe, stand fast the occasional drunken antics in the high street.

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