Letting agent reviews for

Slater Hogg & Howison in Glasgow

Average agency Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 2
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Slater Hogg & Howison, Glasgow

Reviewed 11 October 2023
Horrific I have never come across such useless, lazy and downright rude individuals. Problems and questions weren’t being passed onto our landlord. Any issue we had over a weekend was ignored. Spoke to like dirt because we dared to complain. Refused to pass us on to a manager. Waste of space individuals. Refused to send us our inventory report so we could return stuff to the correct place leading us to be charged for things not being where they should be. Criminal
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Slater Hogg & Howison, Glasgow

Reviewed 5 March 2022
Flat was given in a terrible condition had to ask for cleaner to come back out and had bugs when we went to move in so delayed until exterminator cameout. Rude and incompetent do not communicate internally.
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