Letting agent reviews for

Hardisty & Co, Horsforth

Average agency Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Hardisty & Co, Leeds

Reviewed 3 January 2022
Awful. The woman I dealt with frequently appeared to me as being power hungry and a bully and had to make everything very difficult.

We had arranged to sign the lease a month before moving in and had booked a day off of work to do so. I got a call from the agent asking if we could do this sooner so that the landlord could remortgage one of his properties. We both lived 30 miles away at this point but as a favour we drove to Leeds on a weeknight in rush hour traffic to sign the contract early with no thanks at all. We were stuck in traffic and we’re told my the agency that nobody would wait behind for 10 minutes for us and that we would have to come back the following night. We made it just in time and had comments repeatedly from the above woman about how inconvenient we had made it for her not getting there earlier.

The boiler stopped working in January when it was snowing and I was told to try fix it myself before they sent somebody out as I would be charged - as a landlord do you really want tenants trying to mess about with your boiler?! A week later they finally got somebody out to me after I’d had to go live at my mums as it was too cold.

I was contacted 3 months before the end of my lease to ask if I wanted to renew. I hated living there but it was very close and convenient for work so I asked if I could have a week to think about it. I was then contacted several times a day in that week with threats of terminating my lease if I did not make a decision there and then.

I had so many problems after my tenancy with the landlord and the agency were absolutely useless at providing me with any sort of help.
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