Letting agent reviews for

Maf Properties in Sheffield

Average agency Rating: 4
Number of times reviewed: 2
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Maf Properties, Sheffield

Reviewed 28 July 2020
Dealing with MAF was horrible. We got daily emails notifying us there would be a viewing, often with less than 24 hours notice, and most of the time it didn't happen anyway. We could've said something but we tried to avoid contacting them as much as possible.

To their credit though, maintinence was generally ok and often same or next day.
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Maf Properties, Sheffield

Reviewed 6 September 2019
MAF properties were the worst thing about living in this property. They were constantly emailing us in the evening to say they’d be holding a viewing at our flat the next morning (aka not giving the legal minimum notice). One time, with no notice at all they let themselves into my one bedroom flat as I had literally just stepped out of the shower. Having a stranger let themselves into your home while you are stark naked is a horrible experience and I never felt safe there again. I received a phone call to “apologise” but Dan Simpson made a big joke of the whole thing and was basically laughing at me about it. Disgusting experience.

The agency also doesn’t take deposits but they very clearly hike the price of rent up to cover it, meaning it’s money you end up paying anyway but never get back. But they try to make “no deposit to pay” sound like a positive. I’d rather have a deposit, as we left the property in great condition. We’ve heard from other tenants that they then do try to claim more money off you for damages if they can. Speaking of deposits, I paid a £50 “deposit” to rent a TV off them which they never gave me back even though I left the TV in the property when I left as they requested.

They are useless at maintenance. I believe we waited about 6 weeks at one point to have our washing machine fixed. When they did eventually arrange to get it fixed they gave us about half an hours notice and we didn’t really feel like we could refuse them entry at that point when we’d already waited so long.

They were also absolutely useless with noise complaints. Both years we lived here we had really inconsiderate neighbours who would play very loud music constantly, especially in the small hours of the morning during exam season. Despite many many complaints to the letting agent they clearly never took any action as it persisted throughout our tenancy.

They even charged us a “checking out fee” both years even though we never moved out in between. When we questioned them about this they said we still had to pay it. A con through and through.
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