How Can Letting Agents Help PRS Landlords Stay Compliant With Landlord And Rental Property Licensing?

Originally posted on An exploration into simple steps letting agents can take to help landlords stay compliant with licensing regulations
By Ben Yarrow
26 March 2021

Where can you check to see if a property needs a rental licence?

There are two key places to search to see if a rental property needs a licence.

If you know exactly which local authority area the rental property is in, you could check the council website.

Some have useful search systems to ease the process, but many don’t make it easy to search.

To save time and energy you could just enter the property postcode into the search on, click the property address and you’ll immediately see whether the property needs a licence or not.

Tuxa works for almost every local authority licensing area in England and Wales, so if you’re a national, regional or local letting agent it’s easier to use the search function on Tuxa than to check all the individual local authority websites.


How often should you check to see if a property needs a rental licence?

If you’re doing it manually, you should check regularly to see if a rental property needs a licence.

Local authorities are adding and changing landlord / rental property licensing schemes all the time. As the rules, maps, streets, areas, and types of licence change - you really need to stay on the ball with your checks.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a website that did it all for you?

There is! Sign up for a free account on where we’ve mapped almost every licensing scheme in England and Wales, search and add properties to your List and you’ll receive alerts every time a licensing scheme changes, updates, is cancelled.

We’ll send you an email once a month to remind you when to look out for renewals too.



What are the penalties for not having a rental licence?

Letting a licensable HMO without a licence is an offence.

Originally laid down in the Housing and Planning Act 2004 but updated in the HAPA 2016 version, ‘fixed penalty notices’ of up to £30,000 were made a thing.

These fixed fines are easy for a First Tier Tribunal to hand out, enforceable and will leave a hefty dent in your wallet.

So why not check to see if a property needs a licence? It’s dead easy on


Would the landlord or letting agent be responsible for paying the fine?

The penalties apply to any person(s)/company(s) having control and/or managing the property.

Is that the letting agent or the landlord?

Is it really worth the risk of legal action, court fees, then possibly a massive fine - when you could just check on to see if the property needs a licence.


Are there any high profile cases of landlords being fined for not having a rental licence?

Yes, loads of cases of landlords and letting agents being fined for not having a rental licence.

There’s a seemingly endless stream of news from sites like:

Landlords DefenceLandlords Defence and Landlord Today


What can letting agents to do help stay compliant?

Don’t get caught out, check to see if a property needs a licence at Tuxa.

Sign up for a free account, add properties to your List, help your letting agency and your landlords stay compliant.