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Landlord reviews for Priya Littler in Portsmouth
3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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11 August 2020
We only stayed at the property for 6 months of the year due to covid-19 outbreak, which led us to go to our parents housing. however over this period we still paid our rent which was expected of us. The deposit process has not been fair at all, in regards to cleaning, and a fault in the washing machine. Our Landlord Priya Littler would like us to pay £380 for a deep clean of the house so that her next tenants can move in. However, the tenancy agreement does not state this, we only had to leave the house to a good standard of cleanliness. In regards to the washing machine she would like us to pay £300 to replace it as it does not drain, however, it was not new when we moved in and was not damaged by any tenants and according to the tenancy agreement it is her responsibility to make sure that it was in working order.