Landlord reviews for

Trini - in London

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Trini -, London

Reviewed 24 August 2020
Very difficult landlord.
We were 2 weeks with a gas leak because the person sent by the landlord couldn't "smell" it.
After contacting several times because of this, a person from the gas company cut the gas due to a leak, and it took the landlord 1 full week to get it sorted as his gas person (and friend) was busy.

We asked for a different person to come and fix it as we couldn't cook or even shower with hot water, but she didn't listen.

We also had 1 toilet broken for over 2 weeks as the same gas person /plumber was busy to come and fix it too.

She tried to change the contract for the house before the end of the tenancy too - renew for a 12 months contract although the contract said it would change to a month by month basis - we had to contact Citizens Advice to prevent this to happen.

The week we were moving stuff out to the new property, she decided to send an electrician to check if all was OK. We made ourselves available from Monday - Thursday, she decided to send it Friday (as the electrician / friend) couldn't do it any other time before that.

House was OK. But we decided to leave the house not to keep dealing with the same landlord again.
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