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Landlord reviews for George Tsielepis in Fulham

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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25 August 2017
Really nice guy to begin with. We paid our rent on time every month for three years and when we decided to move out things changed. He promised us that as long as we moved out at the end of the month and it was clean, we would receive 100% of our deposit back. We even let painters and decorators come round for the last two weeks of our tenancy as a kind gesture. When we moved out he withheld our deposit until we proved we paid the bills, and when we did this he then decided to take 70% of out deposit to buy a new sofa for the new tenants. The sofa was already old when we moved in, and having lived there for three years it was ready to change anyway. Totally unreasonable man when it came to receiving our deposit back and the worst experience I've had with a landlord. It took six months to receive a small percentage of our deposit back.

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