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Landlord reviews for Daves Gaff Of Essex in Sheffield

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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7 August 2021
A low-brow con man, famous for his fake promises and taking advantage of young students. Andrew is the perfect swindling wisecrack Landlord happy to shift a few extra 100 from each of his tenants after the tenancy. Forcing pay for uncut grass, cut before the tenancy had even ended yet used against us as 'doing us a favour'. Complaints of untidiness even after photo evidence proof of our cleaning. Adding extra non-sensical fines for broken objects which didn't even exist or were in our control, such as a broken boiler. Found mice in the flat after coming back from lockdown. Andrew was present in the house over lockdown whilst we were there also, breaking restrictions and endangering us at the peak of the first wave. On the phone he would make wild excuses for not mending or sending maintenance to fix broken toilets and other smaller issues. Obviously cutting corners for personal greed. Whilst sorting the extra fines he was rude, threatening legal action and happy to make any new student unwelcome to want to rent again in the area. The cliche character of a Landlord who gives no respect or care to his tenants.

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