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Landlord reviews for Clive Turner in Birmingham
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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12 March 2022
Awful. Impossible to contact, has a points system whereby you get a points for your messages, for example if your ceiling comes down, he will only sort it if your message has please, thank you and he likes you. He refused to pay the bills meaning internet was cut off. He is arrogant and makes up lies about one another- he claimed the maintenance man was angry with us, however when spoken to he had no idea what Clive was on about. He has not even provided contracts for anyone, despite asking numerous times. The only good thing about him is he didn't notice i didn't pay him for months and when it came to moving out, I needed a reference and he forwarded me the link to complete myself.