Landlord reviews for

Gary Vanger in London

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Gary Vanger, London

Reviewed 3 May 2022
The landlord could improve his communication. He consistently took a long time
to respond when we reached out to him (generally when we had repairs needed with the flat). He often required prompting multiple times (via multiple methods of communication) and would only respond when given an ultimatum, for example: ‘assuming we don’t hear from you we will get X repaired ourselves by X date and take the money off the rent’.
We also had a few occasions where he gave very late notice (e.g. an hour) before coming to visit the flat, which is in breach of good practice for landlords.
Hopefully the next tenants receive a better experience and can put an updated, more positive review for the property.
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