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Landlord reviews for Abdha Tanveer in Nottingham
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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6 June 2022
Doesn’t know even the basics of Tenancy Law.
Right to quiet enjoyment being the least understood. Will insist on monthly inspections. During inspections, will tell you that dust on your TV is not acceptable (it’s unfurnished…), complain if your children have toys outside during the summer, amongst many other things that are far outside the remit of an inspection. Will take photos at every inspection. Will bring her husband and will get angry if you have anyone with you for support (due to her terrible behaviour).
Blames any bad repairs on previous owner - previous owner was her mother, she grew up there. Sends husband or teenage son to do repairs - badly. Then complains when further deterioration occurs. Will blame you for the state of the property - fortunately for me, Environmental Health disabused her of that notion.
Will threaten eviction if you mention any of the illegal, unenforceable clauses or any breach of the right to quiet enjoyment.
The Environmental Health mandated repairs were never completed.
Right to quiet enjoyment being the least understood. Will insist on monthly inspections. During inspections, will tell you that dust on your TV is not acceptable (it’s unfurnished…), complain if your children have toys outside during the summer, amongst many other things that are far outside the remit of an inspection. Will take photos at every inspection. Will bring her husband and will get angry if you have anyone with you for support (due to her terrible behaviour).
Blames any bad repairs on previous owner - previous owner was her mother, she grew up there. Sends husband or teenage son to do repairs - badly. Then complains when further deterioration occurs. Will blame you for the state of the property - fortunately for me, Environmental Health disabused her of that notion.
Will threaten eviction if you mention any of the illegal, unenforceable clauses or any breach of the right to quiet enjoyment.
The Environmental Health mandated repairs were never completed.