Landlord reviews for

Abu S M S Rahman in London

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Abu S M S Rahman, London

Reviewed 14 October 2022
You need to pay at least 350£ if you lost your key: One day I found out I lost my key, instead, have a new key, the landlord persists in replacing the lock and the system, and he requests the specialist to replace the lock on the same day and ask them 6 more spare keys(in totally are 8 keys include the default key from the package), we only have 4 people live in this property but he asks me to give him 8 keys, in the end, I need pay 350GBP.

Lots of restrictions on the facilities: There are many restrictions in the house, including no visitors allowed and only can use the waxing machine once every week otherwise need to pay 5£ each time. The central heating time only provides a couple of hours a day and does not allow an extra fan heater in the house. The kitchen is only allowed from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. The living room is only allowed for use before 10:30 pm. Before I decided to move in I have to ask her if there have any restrictions on the house, she said there are no restrictions just treat it like your home. Then after I move in I got an A4 paper full of house rules (front and back), Be honest if I know they're so many restrictions I will choose not to rent this room.

Difficult personality: If you have anything that needs repair, he would not help you. He will start to play dead. For example the leak in the room. The first week I move into the place I told her about the leak problems but till I move out the leak still there.

The landlord Increase the rent from 800GBP to 850GBP only in six month time.
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