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Landlord reviews for Cihan Ozbas in London
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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29 January 2023
I had an extremely unpleasant experience with live-in landlord Cihan Ozbas and I would strongly advise women (he is looking for female lodgers) against renting out a room in his house.
Ultimately, I was evicted because I rejected his advances. I lived there for 5 months in total and very early on he started asking me out, which I found very unprofessional and inappropriate considering that he is the landlord.
I was always making excuses as I was not interested in any kind of relationship with him but I was trying to be as polite as possible as I did not want to jeopardise my living situation.
Just before Christmas 2022, a few days before my planned 3 weeks long holiday, and after less than 4 months of living there, he sent me a 4-weeks eviction notice with no explanation.
The next day he admitted that he has done that because he has feelings for me, over which he has “no control”. I was extremely shaken by this, so initially, he kindly decided to withdraw this notice and let me stay "as long as I want”. Meanwhile, he still insisted that I caused the situation myself because by “denying him a conversation” and "not giving him a chance" I pushed him over the edge.
A few weeks later, when I came back to London, he insisted we talk again. By then I have already partially moved to temporary accommodation as I was extremely uncomfortable by his impulsive behaviour, and I was afraid for my safety. I told him that, before talking to him I would like to first get some legal advice, in order to know my rights as a tenant. He got very upset about that and served me another 4-weeks eviction notice, after which I moved out.
Ultimately, I was evicted because I rejected his advances. I lived there for 5 months in total and very early on he started asking me out, which I found very unprofessional and inappropriate considering that he is the landlord.
I was always making excuses as I was not interested in any kind of relationship with him but I was trying to be as polite as possible as I did not want to jeopardise my living situation.
Just before Christmas 2022, a few days before my planned 3 weeks long holiday, and after less than 4 months of living there, he sent me a 4-weeks eviction notice with no explanation.
The next day he admitted that he has done that because he has feelings for me, over which he has “no control”. I was extremely shaken by this, so initially, he kindly decided to withdraw this notice and let me stay "as long as I want”. Meanwhile, he still insisted that I caused the situation myself because by “denying him a conversation” and "not giving him a chance" I pushed him over the edge.
A few weeks later, when I came back to London, he insisted we talk again. By then I have already partially moved to temporary accommodation as I was extremely uncomfortable by his impulsive behaviour, and I was afraid for my safety. I told him that, before talking to him I would like to first get some legal advice, in order to know my rights as a tenant. He got very upset about that and served me another 4-weeks eviction notice, after which I moved out.