Landlord reviews for

Amanda Hilton in Heywood

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Amanda Hilton, Heywood

Reviewed 18 February 2023
Let us live with a hole in our second bedroom ceiling for over 2 years. Leaking all that time, damaged alot of our belongings and we had to take off time most winters since then with chest infections and illness. Ignored most of my communications to get it fixed. When she attempted to get it fixed roofers would go up a ladder with a cig in their mouths and come back down with the same cig having clearly done absolutely nothing. The room was damp, mouldy and cold. It got to the point where I had to report her to the council and it eventually got fixed apparently but never saw anyone fix it and she then continued to let us live with damp, mould and a badly damaged ceiling meaning we were paying for a 2 bed house which we couldnt use one of the rooms. She let us live without smoke alarm for months. Didnt even respond to us on move out day, had to lock up and post keys. DO NOT RENT A HOUSE FROM THIS AWFUL WOMAN.
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