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Landlord reviews for Timothy Knight in New Eltham
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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11 June 2023
I recently had the unfortunate experience of renting from this landlord, Timothy, for a period of eight months in London. Regrettably, I cannot recommend him as a responsible or considerate landlord. My time spent at his property was characterised by a general disregard for his responsibilities as a landlord and a steadily growing frustration with him as an individual.
Timothy displayed disinterest in providing even the most basic essentials that one would expect when renting a property. The absence of essential appliances such as a fridge, freezer, washing machine, and the persistent presence of mould in the bathroom, inadequate ventilation, and a poorly functioning kitchen extractor exemplifies his lack of concern for tenants' well-being and happiness. Every repair he undertakes on the property is executed in the cheapest, lowest-quality manner, clearly prioritising cost over decent quality. That's IF repairs and maintenance are done. Mostly they are not.
Maintenance and concerns regarding basic living standards were met with indifference and avoidance. Instead, I found myself burdened with the financial responsibility of rectifying issues at my own expense. His dismissive attitude seems to be rooted in the belief that tenants have no other option, evidenced by the high turnover rate within the property, including several tenant replacements during my occupancy, and my immediate neighbour giving their notice shortly after me.
This lack of care permeated every aspect of living at the property, resulting in an overall living experience that fell far below reasonable expectations. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Timothy erroneously believes he has the right to enter rented properties at his own discretion. Rather than utilising proper digital communication and mutually agreeing on suitable times, he would simply slide a notice under the front door, declaring his intent to enter the premises. This practice disregards the privacy and security of tenants, allowing him and others to enter using his own key without regard for their presence or absence.
Additionally, there were issues with mail privacy and access to essential services. Getting mail at the property was a constant challenge, as Timothy refused to install proper post boxes with keys outside the property. This lack of provision for mail security and general privacy was a significant inconvenience. Furthermore, accessing the electricity meter to read it could only be accomplished after I had persistently nagged Timothy for days to obtain the code to the door.
When I gave him notice to quit my tenancy (I broke my lease early because I could not stand living at the property or him as a landlord any longer), he inspected the flat a total of three times before checkout day. On checkout day, he displayed threatening behaviour and said that he would "inspect the flat in his own time" before deciding if he should make any financial claims against me. This is despite the fact that I left the property in an improved condition with a considerable amount of money and time spent on materials, paint, and hiring professional help to improve the place (Yes, I regret it).
For anyone who has lived in London, or the broader UK, the term "slumlord" is unfortunately all too familiar. In my view, this is precisely what one can expect by making the ill-fated decision to rent at this address or from this particular landlord.
I haven't mentioned every irritating detail (it would take too long), but in conclusion, I regretfully cannot identify any redeeming qualities or positive aspects to highlight regarding this property or its landlord. The only commendable attribute is the convenient location, facilitating easy access to central London. However, in my opinion, this single advantage fails to compensate for the overall negative experience endured. If location or convenient public transport is your sole non-negotiable requirement, only then should you consider renting here.
Timothy displayed disinterest in providing even the most basic essentials that one would expect when renting a property. The absence of essential appliances such as a fridge, freezer, washing machine, and the persistent presence of mould in the bathroom, inadequate ventilation, and a poorly functioning kitchen extractor exemplifies his lack of concern for tenants' well-being and happiness. Every repair he undertakes on the property is executed in the cheapest, lowest-quality manner, clearly prioritising cost over decent quality. That's IF repairs and maintenance are done. Mostly they are not.
Maintenance and concerns regarding basic living standards were met with indifference and avoidance. Instead, I found myself burdened with the financial responsibility of rectifying issues at my own expense. His dismissive attitude seems to be rooted in the belief that tenants have no other option, evidenced by the high turnover rate within the property, including several tenant replacements during my occupancy, and my immediate neighbour giving their notice shortly after me.
This lack of care permeated every aspect of living at the property, resulting in an overall living experience that fell far below reasonable expectations. Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Timothy erroneously believes he has the right to enter rented properties at his own discretion. Rather than utilising proper digital communication and mutually agreeing on suitable times, he would simply slide a notice under the front door, declaring his intent to enter the premises. This practice disregards the privacy and security of tenants, allowing him and others to enter using his own key without regard for their presence or absence.
Additionally, there were issues with mail privacy and access to essential services. Getting mail at the property was a constant challenge, as Timothy refused to install proper post boxes with keys outside the property. This lack of provision for mail security and general privacy was a significant inconvenience. Furthermore, accessing the electricity meter to read it could only be accomplished after I had persistently nagged Timothy for days to obtain the code to the door.
When I gave him notice to quit my tenancy (I broke my lease early because I could not stand living at the property or him as a landlord any longer), he inspected the flat a total of three times before checkout day. On checkout day, he displayed threatening behaviour and said that he would "inspect the flat in his own time" before deciding if he should make any financial claims against me. This is despite the fact that I left the property in an improved condition with a considerable amount of money and time spent on materials, paint, and hiring professional help to improve the place (Yes, I regret it).
For anyone who has lived in London, or the broader UK, the term "slumlord" is unfortunately all too familiar. In my view, this is precisely what one can expect by making the ill-fated decision to rent at this address or from this particular landlord.
I haven't mentioned every irritating detail (it would take too long), but in conclusion, I regretfully cannot identify any redeeming qualities or positive aspects to highlight regarding this property or its landlord. The only commendable attribute is the convenient location, facilitating easy access to central London. However, in my opinion, this single advantage fails to compensate for the overall negative experience endured. If location or convenient public transport is your sole non-negotiable requirement, only then should you consider renting here.