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Landlord reviews for Paul Sleightholm in Clapham

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (3)
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13 May 2024

This guy is an absolute crook:
* The flats he rents out are in awful condition.
* He takes ages to fix any issue (if at all)
* He charges extortionate rent and also put the rent up regularly without any consideration for his tenants (my room in his grimy flat went up 32% in the space of 6 months!)
* He also is almost un-contactable. When I left his property it took months to get my deposit back. I sent numerous emails asking for my deposit until he finally just sent back less than half my deposit with no communication what so ever.
20 February 2024
Paul Sleightholm owns a bunch of properties in the Clapham and surrounding regions, mostly ex-council which be bought back in the day for a fiver, and now lives a lavish lifestyle with tenants funding this with the exorbitant rent he charges.

He is complete absent as a landlord and ignores all problems from black mould, to holes in the wall, to appliances not working for ages, to the bathroom being electrified due to cables lying around in there. He only really replies when you threaten legal action, usually stating he didnt have reception as hes off sailing somewhere.

He pressure sells properties stating "there loads of people viewing today and it will be gone in an hour," while getting potential tenants to pay 400+ GBP on the spot to his PayPal app on his phone as a "holding deposit," then proceeds to lock tenants into absurd AST agreements which are heavily weighted in his favour, while stating if they dont sign, they dont get their 400+ GBP back. He will get you to sign a 3 year contract with break clauses ensuring you have to find a replacement and paying numerous fees to leave. I had a lawyer review his contract and was told half of it was unenforceable as most of it wasnt legal.

He intimidates female tenants, he lies often and lets himself into the properties whenever he wants.

Some of the properties he manages are in his parents names to avoid HMRC and the tax man.

He trades under "Urban Investments" which is actually a legit company in Liverpool, who had to make a statement a few years ago saying they have nothing to do with Paul Sleightholm as so many tenants were complaining and threating legal action. I think Paul deliberately chose this name to make thing difficult to track back to him.

I wish Citizens Advise Bureau or Shelter had a list of how many tenants complained about this guy, as I knew of at least 5 different tenants from other properties of his that complained (yes I tracked down other tenants at other properties as I felt so hopelessly stuck in this horrendous agreement and horrific house and really needed my deposit back).

The year I stayed in his property was one of the darkest of my life and I've never hated someone in my life until I became a tenant of this conman Paul Sleightholm. Stay far away from this guy as you will regret it if you become his tenant.
7 September 2023
Paul Sleighthome, from Urban investments is the worst landlord i have ever had, he never responded to calls.

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