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Landlord reviews for Karlene Mc Lean in London
3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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28 September 2023
The landlord doesn't want me to contact her, I only have contact with her to pay her. To repair things in the house she pays her friends who repair things halfway and charge her cheaply.
There was a water leak which Thames Water notified us about. The landlord sent her friends to repair, they repaired poorly. Thames Water had to visit us to check and they said that they had to repair properly. The landlord did not want to let them in because she did not want to pay the repair costs.
There was a water leak which Thames Water notified us about. The landlord sent her friends to repair, they repaired poorly. Thames Water had to visit us to check and they said that they had to repair properly. The landlord did not want to let them in because she did not want to pay the repair costs.