Landlord reviews for

Hpgs Gateway Opco Limited in London

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Hpgs Gateway Opco Limited, London

Reviewed 1 November 2023
When we moved in, I realised that they had changed some things on the already signed contract (stating that I had already seen the flat and not a show flat when I had left that box unticked). Thats bad but its maybe on me for not checking and calling it out sooner.

We complained about the flat not being clean enough (there was food on the walls and cupboards in addition to the staining on the floors) and the balcony doors didnt open and also had a large gap in the top letting in the cold air.

The cleaner came back twice and both times told us we were lucky because we "should have seen it before". Every single thing i've mentioned, they told us they would repair and have never repaired.

I demanded to talk to the building manager and twice he sent a junior member of staff, who looked like a deer in headlights, to defuse the complaint. Of course they promised all the repairs and then delivered nothing.

Worse still, they demanded full payment for the flat upfront for this flat. My partner is in full time education but was able to pay her half up front, I am in full time work and more than met the eligibility criteria, shady.

On top of that, people are moving out in droves because they are gouging tenants four hundreds in rent increases despite the building becoming worse for wear after just two years (front doors are constantly broken, lifts are slower and slower etc) and the rent increases are wild, i've heard now three different people who have moved in on a pricey but not unreasonable price and had the rent increase for the following year by nearly £500!!
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