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Landlord reviews for Rajdip Riya Dhanju in Reading
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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13 April 2018
BEWARE! The landlord has been truly awful. She will rinse every bit of money you have from the minute you sign the contact. The landlord will charge you £50 for a re-inspection if your room is not up to her high standards i.e she charged me £50 to re-inspect my room due to having one plug too many in my plug socket. The landlord is also very invasive where she can be at the property inspecting on several days a month where she will even bring her three kids who run about the property. I could spend hours writing about how bad this landlord is but overall, she is a very manipulative and unprofessional person who will charge you as much money as she can. Please stay away unless you want this landlady to try and take £800 of your deposit like me!