⭐ Ratings and reviews
Landlord reviews for Chris Towle in Melton Mowbray
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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10 September 2018
Apart from not doing any of the repairs asked of him he also decided to start charging us £100 a month for use of the garden that came in the house contract, didn’t protect our deposit until a year later and even then it wasn’t the full amount. Lied about a water leak to outside pipes causing a massive £1500 water bill saying he didn’t know anything about them but magically knew where to turn them off. Didn’t give us a copy of our contract until 17 months after we moved in. No itinary was done. Then had the cheek to tell us to move out but refused to give us a reference so we are stuck here.