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Landlord reviews for Sarah Yeh in London
4 ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Average landlord rating
Landlord reviews (2)
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22 November 2019
The landlord really helped me as I have come to this country as a student. I was living in halls before, and I lived at home before. She was really supportive when I had to deal with the other tenants who made things difficult, and she made sure she talked issues through with my dad and I when things happened. Unfortunately she didn't check me out but someone else did.
24 October 2018
Tries to extract money from you however possible. Maintenance and repairs are done by her partner, not a professional, which means things inevitable start breaking. She is often reluctant to carry these out in the 1st place. She then charges the tenants when they're done (again, by her partner). We left because of her essentially, after finding out the previous tenant was going to court for repairs done to the bathroom which she kept from her deposit.