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Landlord reviews for Giovanni Valente in St Andrews
2 ★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Average landlord rating
Landlord reviews (4)
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9 November 2020
We barely ever saw the landlord himself but understood through our communications with the agency that he was extremely reluctant to conduct necessary repairs, and when he eventually did so they were shoddy, cheap, and clearly destined not to last. He was also seemingly behind the agency's false claim that our ending the lease was illegal.
14 August 2019
Will not take any complaints seriously and will refuse to get anything fixed. We complained multiple times about broken fridge, faulty drains, broken beds, unusable kitchen and all never got replaced in two years. All that happened was the rent went up £50. Hard to reach by email but will turn up at random moments.
23 July 2019
Had a highly inflated sense of self worth, never fixed anything unless you kept hassling him, and even then that would be hit or miss, he came over when he felt like it. Extremely arrogant and rude, horrible little man to deal with. He abused what little power he had and held things over our heads as an excuse for his inaction.
7 November 2018
Nice landlord but not very helpful. Quite patrionising when asked for help - on issues such as toilet not flushing, and oven not working. Flat was not cleaned prior to move in. Promise of bathroom redocoration did not happen. Toilet seat was not replaced, even when it was about to fall off. Mould in one of the bedrooms was not addressed and was blamed on tenant. Rooms had carpets redone, which although nice was done in an inconvienent manner - workmen were given keys and did not warn when they were going to arrive and left furniture in hallway without putting it back. Landlord was relatively good at communicating, however, and would give warning when he would be coming round for inspection. He was also very nice when two of the tenants had to move out mid-year due to personal circumstances not related to the flat. Landlord also very helpful when it came to signing the lease and was happy to go wherever was convienent for everyone to meet at whatever time. Full deposit returned.