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Landlord reviews for Dovile Stankeviciute in Harrogate
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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26 April 2024
See comments under agency too as the flooding and electrical damages apply here too. My landlord was out of the country on holiday when the flooding occurred - and although they could have still made calls to get someone in to the property to sort the flooding, they chose to chase the company doing the work and also advised Browns. I kept them informed as to everything that was happening, and to be honest, as mentioned before - had I not taken time off work to deal with the flooding as it happened - soaking up the water with towels, washing towels and then drying them (all at my own expense) the flat would have probably been wrecked. I had no support from the landlord or Browns to deal with this, and then was made to feel like a money grabber when I asked for compensation. This is currently ongoing with the ombudsman. Another thing to be wary of here is that the landlord has been dishonest with me on quite a few occasions. When I moved out and the check out report was completed the only thing that needed a clean was the oven. However, the landlord advised they wanted over £600 for damages? to the property and to redecorate. They also advised the flat was filthy and hadn't been cleaned for years - which of course it had - the check out report stated that the flat was generally good in terms of cleanliness. The landlord has since threatened me with the small claims court - but have yet to give me a realistic amount to what is owed - and decided to try to go straight to court anyway - despite my continued communication regarding things. I wouldn't ever rent from these people again.