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Landlord reviews for First Class Student Homes First Class Student in Birmingham
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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4 May 2024
Poor service. For the first months we couldn’t get in contact with them and after many complaints we got put in touch with the landlords assistant who made a group chat with us. Since then it’s been better but we come across many issues that are very slowly solved. I think the best moment was when we called to say that our tap was leaking when it was on and they simply said “oh as long as it’s not leaking when it’s off it’s not an emergency will send someone as soon as we can but in the meantime, don’t use your tap”. We had draining issues and sinks that went unsolved for months and heating issues to that went weeks without being acted on. Oven was described as “ Worst condition ever I’ve ever seen” By the maintenance people when they did eventually come, And for most of our maintenance issues, the people have said that if landlord had invested a bit more in our appliances, we wouldn’t have these issues.