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Landlord reviews for Kemal Tezer in London

5 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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25 June 2024
Overall not the worst landlord I've had. Usually responded quickly and acted professionally. Also gave me a small discount for the first and second year while I was working in the NHS during the pandemic, which was nice.
Unfortunately I had a leak in my bathroom ceiling for 3 years. The landlord removed the ceiling to find the leak, but then I was just left with a leak and no ceiling for over a year. He said he was trying to find people to fix it, but this was an excessive amount of time, and then all of the work seemed to magically start once I had given my notice to move out so that they wouldn't lose money delaying for another renter. While I had these problems my rent was still increased automatically each year.

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