Landlord reviews for

John Towill in Shaldon

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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John Towill, Shaldon

Reviewed 5 December 2018
Friendly enough, but when we advised we would be moving out as our property purchase had gone through much quicker than expected, but would continue to pay rent etc until they found new tenants, they just sat on the property and didn't even put it back on the market. No consideration for the financial burden this would cause. They didn't need to make any effort, so they didn't. We have young children but as long as they were getting paid, they didn't care. so 4 months rent and council tax paid when we didn't live there. If they had tried to rent it out and it didn't rent then not a problem. Not even putting it on the market until we didn't have to pay them, very frustrating.
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