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Landlord reviews for Markmahmoud Nazeri in Hatfield
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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25 July 2024
I can boldly and honestly say mark ranks as one of the worst landlords in the UK. He is always on the property without giving the legal 24-hour notice. We complained about this several times, but he seems to enjoy coming to the property unannounced. He never fixes anything on the property but increases the rent every year. His property was bedbug-infested. We informed him to get it fumigated, but all he did was get some funny smoke stuff that never worked and we eventually got a chemical to fumigate ourselves. He intentionally targets international students from Africa with the help of his agent, kennery borkhataria; knowing they will be desperate for accommodation, they won't have a good knowledge of the rent laws.; etc. He also wants you to sign the rent agreement immediately the agents; so you won't be able to read it. His house has no dishwasher, the washing machine is old and was just fixed recently after it broke down, the refrigerator is old and looks like it was picked up from a dumpsite. The house roof is leaking and still not fixed. The list is endless. It has been a terrible expression living in his property. All he cares about is yearly rent increment and getting his rent monthly. He ealso fond threatening tenants to move out at the slightly opportunity he gets. I would advise anyone that sees this to keep away from any of his properties because he treats all his tenants terribly while acting like he`s doing you a favour.