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Landlord reviews for Emma Dalton in Swansea
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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4 February 2025
I lived at 6 woodlands terrace, Swansea, Sa16br for nearly 18mths.. The house comprised of 7 self contained bedsits and I paid rent at £575/mnth. There were no communal areas so everyone pretty much kept to themselves. I paid my rent on time consistently, and due to the nature of my work I was not at home for 3-4 days each week so used minimal utilities. Out of the blue myself and the guy in the next room received a "no fault eviction order" from Emma.. I was totally gobsmacked as I was hardly in the house, and when I was there you wouldn't know it as I just kept to myself. I asked Emma why this was happening, she stated that she did not have to provide any reasons, but then proceeded to say that she was sick of people in the city talking about her, and that somebody inside the house was spreading rumours, and she could even hear the neighbours next door talking about her through the wall (please bear in mind that this is a solid victorian property).. When asked what this has to do with me she responded "well somebody is talking about me".. All I knew about her was her name and that she was my landlord, I am 52yrs old and have no interest in anyone else's business and know nothing about her life. The eviction notice was 6 months, so I hoped to let her calm down and after a while sent an email to show and tell how I wouldn't and couldn't spread whatever gossip she believed was going on, basically begging her to not throw me out of my home for something I didn't do.. To many people it's just a bedsit, to me it was the start of rebuilding my life after losing my wife to cancer. Her response was that the deadline still stood and that the reason was that she now wanted to market the rooms to "the younger generations", no talk of me spreading whatever rumours she previously thought anymore.. Again this reason makes no sense, the house comprises of 7 self contained bedsits with their own kitchenette... Often in shared accommodation you share the lounge and kitchen so the landlord asks that tenants are of the same generation, there were no communal areas there, everyone was in their own lil room. She advertised 2 recently vacated rooms for age upto 45yrs,again made no sense.. That's hardly the younger generation. By this point I had paid about £9000 in rent to her, I was generally the one making sure all the trash was put out of the store to be picked up as the other residents didn't so that the place was kept nice and she didn't have to do it, I was truly a very easy tenant, not present 50 percent of the time, clean quiet and helpful for the time I was there, the same goes for the guy in the next room to me (we were both top floor).. I didn't know him other than to say hello if we passed on the stairs but he too was very quiet and also over 50.. I did ask her once again to explain why she was doing this, she simply told me that she didn't have to explain anything, no compassion or loyalty to a tenant that had been nothing but good, and no complaints about me either. Before leaving, one of the tenants on the floor below spoke to me and said that this type of thing happen just before I arrived and that her reason is different and nonsensical each time and that he will likely be next, everyone else in the house had already been recycled in the past year.. It's totally unfair and should not be permitted that law abiding tenants that adhere to the terms of the contract laid out by a landlord can just be evicted for no reason at all and then replaced. These are not just rooms, they are our homes and our lives, we should not be disposable on a whim when we are providing that landlord with a very nice income only to be kicked in the teeth when doing everything right... Tenants beware of Emma Dalton at 6 woodlands terrace, Swansea, Sa16br.. I have evidence to prove everything that I have stated here but that means nothing in the eyes of the law until this "no fault eviction" rubbish is outlawed!