⭐ Ratings and reviews
Landlord reviews for Jacqui Coombes in Bristol
9 ★★★★★★★★★☆
Average landlord rating
Landlord reviews (2)
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12 August 2017
Jacqui was amazing. Really kind, quick to respond to any issues. Kind and thoughtful person.
11 April 2017
The best landlady I've ever had. She responded to maintenance issues quickly, and was always very fair about them, especially if there was a cost involved. She was also always able to arrange for people to come round for maintenance when we were at work so never any reason to have to take time off as I've had with previous places. When we moved out she released the deposit back to us within 3 days. Honestly she was excellent, I never felt like she was trying to rip us off or anything, just really fair.