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Landlord reviews for Atul Ganatra in Mill Hill
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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12 March 2019
Hesitated to fix anything. Stove, boiler, mould, broken bathroom tiles. Had countless engineers telling him to replace things but he was so cheap he refused to.
16 September 2019
Atul Ganatra replied:
Dear ex-tenant,
Thanks for your review and sorry it has taken me time to respond as it just came to my notice.
About your comment that the property was inhabitable, you have failed to notice and report here that none of your claims were accepted by Barnet Council. If that was the case, not multiple estate agents would be marketing it before and after your tenancy and no other tenants would rent it.
You also failed to mention how you mis-operated the things incl. Windows opening with which you claimed that the windows was broken. You have not reported either that you never maintained garden and left it in complete mess.
I wished you also mentioned with all honesty and courage that you turned defaulter on rent payment and never answered estate agent's calls.
Finally, I wished that you spoke the truth for once - rather than making loose claims, such as "countless engineers...", and also had the courage to report the whole review in your own name.
Wishing you good luck for the future.
Atul Ganatra