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Landlord reviews for Pirameena Saravanamuthu in Glasgow

1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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31 May 2019
Two years ago, we were cursed with the ill-fortune of dealing with Pirameena Saravanamuthu, whilst renting aresidential property from her on Kerr Street in Bridgeton, Glasgow, UK.

Following our eventual escape from Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s clutches and taking her to a tribunal where she was confirmed to be negligent in her duties, I wrote a review on this site to allow other people to avoid dealings with Pirameena Saravanamuthu as a landlord. In the review I described Pirameena Saravanamuthu as ‘the absolute worst and a complete scumbag’. This is my honest opinion and belief.

To elaborate on how I formed this opinion about Pirameena Saravanamuthu, I will now include a summary of her behaviour as a landlord so that people can decide for themselves. This is because, like everyone who knows they are in the wrong, Pirameena Saravanamuthu is now threatening legal action against this website. In my opinion she has no concept of honour or dignity. But, luckily, neither do I.

We moved out of Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s property in spring 2019. Eighteen months later I was contacted by Police Scotland asking if I could help trace Pirameena Saravanamuthu to any address. She had disappeared after failing to comply with the demands of a housing tribunal we had taken her to.

It was at this time also that Pirameena Saravanamuthu first contacted the Marks Out of Tenancy website, to demand they removed my review about her conduct by explaining that I was ‘a liar’ and we had never taken her to any tribunal. Please find here the publicly accessible link detailing the tribunal we took her to, the demands made upon Pirameena Saravanamuthu to adjust her shortcomings and her subsequent failure to comply – despite saying at the tribunal that she would fix these things.


I think it’s important that a review of Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s behaviour remains, albeit in an altered and more developed form. Just because you have the money to buy a house to rent, or pay a lawyer to try and bend the world to your whim, you can’t deny the experiences of the people you have damaged along the way. The whole point of review websites like Marks Out of Tenancy and similar initiatives is to help resist people like Pirameena Saravanamuthu and their callous approach to the lives of others.

I’ve written my summary below in a light tone because I am over two-years Pirameena Saravanamuthu free and the anxiety has faded. This should not be taken to mean that my dealings with Pirameena Saravanamuthu were not traumatic, they were. It’s just that I’ve had distance from her sinister ways and come to see her more as the cruel joke she is.

Pirameena Saravanamuthu and the House of Lies: Chapter One

The property had lain empty for at least three months before we moved in at the end of October 2018. We requested the garden to be cleaned, the front gate to be fixed, a broken and leaking extractor fan to be repaired and the broken glass in the kitchen door to be replaced. Upon our arrival none of these were done. Shortly we also noticed issues with the radiators and heating and raised these. We reminded Pirameena Saravanamuthu and were told she would visit.

Instead, Pirameena Saravanamuthu sent her mother, who is not mentioned anywhere in any contract but appears to be the person dealing with the property. This would be manageable if Pirameena Saravamuthu’s mother was willing to deal with my flatmate when I was not around. However, because HE wasn’t mentioned in the contract, she wouldn’t even acknowledge him. In fairness this useless woman did actually visit, but was always trying to do so with about fifteen minutes notice – instead of the minimum 48 hours that I believe is required by law.
For some reason there is a sinister, locked attic-door in the property that no-one is allowed to see beyond. Once, after we told Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s mother that she could not just let herself in to our property, we came home to find someone had been into the house and shut our pet cat into a room alone with no food, water or toilet.

Pirameena Saravanamuthu and the House of Lies: Chapter Two

In keeping with her mother’s lack of landlording expertise, any attempt made to send repair people to the property was always done with about fifteen minutes notice, usually when we were at work. It was like they were actively trying to create situations where tradespeople couldn’t actually come. One carpenter who came when we were in told us he’d just been told to do everything the cheapest possible way, including replacing the broken glass in the kitchen door with ply-board. He also informed us that he was dubious about even doing jobs for her, as getting money out of her was a nightmare.

A week before Christmas, the UPVC door at the rear entrance to the property became misaligned and would not lock. With annoyance Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s mother told us they were just about to go on holiday, and could it not wait until they got back. I explained that we’d rather not have an unlocked door to our property for three weeks and eventually she sent a repair person. After the repairs were done, Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s mother asked if I wouldn’t mind paying up front. Instead, the repair person had to telephone her and demand to be paid.
After six weeks of trying to get the list of repairs done to no avail, my flatmate emailed Pirameena Saravanamuthu, to tell her that the letting agent had suggested we began to withhold rent. Unsurprisingly, being a bully, Pirameena Saravanamuthu then contacted the letting agency and had the helpful agent silenced. Pirameena Saravanamuthu then contacted us by email, at 8pm on New Year’s Eve 2018, informing us that she was ending our contract and expected us to move out by the beginning of February 2019.

It is illegal in Scotland to give such short notice and we had to go through the additional stress of dealing with Shelter to prevent this eviction. I should note that Shelter themselves aren’t stressful, they are really lovely and helpful – but they are overworked and over-subscribed because there are so many ROTbags like Pirameena Saravanamuthu being allowed to exploit people’s living situations.
During this time, Pirameena Saravanamuthu signed a legal affidavit claiming she was moving to Scotland to live in the property, as her reason for ending our contract after eight weeks of our moving in. This relocation claim appears to have definitely been false, as Pirameena Saravanamuthu is still currently living in London (or at least, that is where the police eventually traced her to).

Pirameena Saravanamuthu and the House of Lies: Chapter Three

It was during this eviction process that we raised our issues about Pirameena Saravanamuthu to Glasgow’s Housing & Property committee, who eventually called the (non-fabricated) tribunal and issued her with the demands she failed to comply with. This was of slight consequence to us, as by this time we had managed to move out from her property of our own accord.

During the tribunal Pirameena Saravanamuthu elected to invent a further fiction, that I had moved in to her property with the plan to secretly convert it into a multiple occupancy ‘business venture’. She honestly wrote this to the tribunal committee.

The highlights of Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s creative correspondence with the committee include: “Mr Oliver Braid’s behaviour may seem irrational at first glance. However, on reflection his behaviour has been driven by the fact he cannot afford the rent and is trying to convert 15 Kerr Street into a multiple occupancy property so that he can sublet it as a business venture…I am sorry you have been caught up in his scheming…He is using this tribunal process to recoup the rent that he has paid us in trying to establish this ill-fated business venture…Mr Oliver Baird (sic) signed the tenancy under false pretence that he was going to use the property for personal use”
To clarify, I have a full-time job and paid my rent to Pirameena Saravanamuthu on time every month. My previous property I had rented for over five years with no trouble. The next property I lived in for two years with no trouble.

I’m still unclear on how I was planning to ‘recoup the rent’ from a Housing & Property tribunal investigating building repairs. I guess Pirameena’s approach was just natural to any wild beast, blindly lashing out in desperation when finally caught out by their lies.
The one enjoyable part of the tribunal was finally sitting in a room with Pirameena Saravanamuthu face-to-face. She’d been so absent we’d started to think her mother had made her up. But, yes, here she was, in all her basic, overpriced, All Saints jeans and Pandora jewellery dross. I’d probably feel less raw about getting ripped off if I felt my money was being invested wisely or with taste. Possibly it’s hard to develop any sense of personal style when all you think about is milking cash from people.

Pirameena Saravanamuthu and the House of Lies: Chapter Four

When we moved out, we were keen, but not hopeful, about the return of our £795.00 deposit. True to form Pirameena Saravanamuthu demonstrated her unjust and avaricious nature, by demanding to keep the entire deposit. Again, we had to go through a dispute process, this time with a third-party deposit holding company, in attempt to wrestle some of the money back from Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s attempt at theft.

As part of her evidence to the deposit holding company, she submitted photographs of the property’s rear garden overgrown with weeds, claiming we had allowed the property to fall into disrepair. Unfortunately for her, we still had photographs of the rear garden when we moved in, already covered with the same weeds. They had been part of the list of maintenance we had originally disputed when we moved in.
Before we moved out, we paid for the property to be professionally cleaned and emptied all of the rubbish and junk that had been left in the rear garden. Pirameena Saravanmuthu then submitted images of the garden to the deposit holding company where she appears to have dragged rubbish back into the garden, to pretend we had left it in this state. Fortunately, again, had photographs to prove the contrary.
Despite us submitting receipts from the professional cleaning company we paid to clean the house before our departure, Pirameena Saravanamuthu claimed we left ‘food, dirt and FAECES(?)’ on the carpets, that we had broken windows, curtain rails, and that she should be allowed to keep our entire deposit to recoup legal fees that she had been forced to pay to avoid illegally evicting us.

Pirameena Saravanamuthu alluded to the deposit holding company that she needed the entire house repainted and recarpeted. This is true based on her tasteless design and botched DIY, but has nothing to do with our treatment of her property. Given the falsification of her other evidence, I wouldn’t put it past Pirameena Saravanamuthu to have wiped her own bottom on the carpets.

The deposit holding company let her keep a small fraction of the deposit, but we received the majority after the dispute was resolved in our favour. This was almost as if the deposit holding company too had understood the majority of Pirameena Saravanamuthu’s false claims to be nothing more than the actions of a shameless financial glutton. That was the last I heard of Pirameena Saravanamuthu until Police Scotland were looking for her last year, and until she predictably started trying to legally silence this website.

Pirameena Saravanamuthu and the House of Lies: Chapter Five

Since this time, I have used the money from my full-time job to buy a property of my own. It has two bedrooms and I’ve never once attempted to convert them into a ‘multiple-occupancy business venture’. Pirameena Saravanamuthu appears to be continuing to grow her reputation as a pathological liar and financial manipulator, whose claims should never be taken at face value and always double checked.
Hopefully this revised review will be the last we have to hear of this sorry tale. If anyone has any more questions, queries or threats I’m more than happy to extend the review and include photographs and further documents. I could also do a Freedom of Information request and find out what really happened when the police finally caught up with Pirameena Saravanamuthu and add that in.
Oh, Pirameena Saravanamuthu. More basic than a pumpkin-spiced, Ugg boot latte. Luckily, you’ll never meet her, unless you take her to a tribunal.


In my initial review I included references to the complicated position of the genuine identity of Pirameena Saravanamuthu. It could be that she actually does have an identical twin sister, with identical mega-basic style and an internet presence that Pirameena herself suspiciously lacks. Or it could be that she uses two names and does all of her business under a false name. She maintains the former, but only offers to prove it by saying she’s proved it to other people and therefore doesn’t need to prove it to the people she’s trying to prove it to. Because Pirameena Saravanamuthu is such an outrageous liar it makes it so much harder to believe her claim in this situation. I’ll leave that there, but in my opinion this behaviour simply confirms her duplicitous and criminal nature.

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