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Landlord reviews for Mo And Mushin Fahey in Reading
3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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6 September 2019
Sometimes okay and helpful. For example helped me with repairs quickly and efficiently.
However illegally handling deposit money so beware! Told me they would pay me back in two stages (no idea why) despite apparently insuring my money in a DPS and it being over 30 days so also against the law. When I mentioned court I got told off for making a threat but ignore them they need to be told it's the law clearly as they're not abiding by it. Never got written confirmation of any alterations to deposit or an invoice just a verbal agreement which is dodgy.
Landlord also just moved into property twice in a year despite property advertising as no live in landlord. Said he would be there two to three weeks but was there for far longer both times. They did give us notice it's just they lied about how long they'd be there for.
However illegally handling deposit money so beware! Told me they would pay me back in two stages (no idea why) despite apparently insuring my money in a DPS and it being over 30 days so also against the law. When I mentioned court I got told off for making a threat but ignore them they need to be told it's the law clearly as they're not abiding by it. Never got written confirmation of any alterations to deposit or an invoice just a verbal agreement which is dodgy.
Landlord also just moved into property twice in a year despite property advertising as no live in landlord. Said he would be there two to three weeks but was there for far longer both times. They did give us notice it's just they lied about how long they'd be there for.