Landlord reviews for

Georgia Campbell in Saltaire

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Georgia Campbell, Saltaire

Reviewed 21 October 2019
In my fair opinion, received absolutely terrible service from landlady. Did not request any repairs etc once in almost 3 years tenancy, in my fair opinion landlady was very nosey and popped into property regularly making up excuses. landlady is very difficult to deal with, nothing is ever straight forward with her, and in my fair opinion she just wanted more and more money, especially on checkout. on checkout she became unstable and began to throw cutlery at tenant when her plans for taking all of the bond were destroyed with a simple argument that the issues she highlighted were wear and tear. still she managed to take £250 out of the bond for things such as 'cleaning' - a reasonable clean was not good enough for her, and cooker hood filters which were in good condition anyway, and more things like this which to me did not make very much sense. but in the end we conceded to get her off our backs.
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