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Landlord reviews for David Beresford in Lincoln
3 ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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16 November 2019
This review is written on behalf of the previous tenants. The tenants felt repairs were not performed in a timely manner.The tenants were left without heating in the middle of winter for 2 weeks and the landlord refused to reimburse or provide an alternative. The landlord didn’t increase the rent for many years which was good. However he raved about how amazing the tenants were yet tried to keep the deposit so he could get new carpets which were already stained. This resulted in a long process of regaining this back. He complained about things such as “a bit of dirt between the door hinges” when the tenants spent two solid days cleaning and his rep said it was spotless and tried to claim this from the deposit. The tenants were offended by comments about traditional gender roles and the tenants not adhering to these, comments about the female earning more, comments about the tenants not being able to afford where he went on holiday. On multiple occasions he text the tenants with photos of secateurs with no accompanying text - his representative stated the garden was in excellent condition when moving out. If he was not happy about something there were numerous texts and calls in quick succession about this direct to the tenants, often at antisocial hours eg midnight on a Sunday and 5am on a Wednesday.