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Landlord reviews for Peter And Jacqueline Bate in Modbury
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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19 November 2019
My landlord lived in the adjacent property. Initially he was very friendly. Almost too friendly. He would come and chat (about literally nothing) all of the time and I felt very uncomfortable when he invited me into his house for coffee one evening. Plus he referred to himself as a 'muscle man'. He tried to tell me the plumbing issue was fixed. He tried to blame the VERY slow draining of the bath on hair being in the plughole. He kept lying to my face that the drainage issues were fixed. My utility bills (all sub-metered) were a work of fiction and after I queried the first (very high) bill he became very hostile. His family seem to be complicit in this web of lies and continually flatly denied everything, despite solid evidence.