Landlord reviews for

Trevor Percox in Cannock

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Trevor Percox, Cannock

Reviewed 25 November 2019
The property was managed through the estate agents so I didn't have much communication with the landlord himself. When repairs were finally carried out 12 months after reporting them a good job was done.
However he tried to take extortionate amounts from my deposit when I left (even though I left the house cleaner than it was when I moved in!) including £160 for 4 cracked tiles, £25to remove a rabbit hutch that was already there when I moved in, £35 for a battery for a smoke alarm and £90 to paint two walls in a box sixed room. I had to dispute this with the tenancy deposit scheme. Luckily the adjudicator sided with me on things I had evidence for, but the landlord was awarded costs on some things.
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