Landlord reviews for

David Jiminez Rivera in London

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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David Jiminez Rivera, London

Reviewed 27 November 2019
The landlord is extremely vicious, misogynistic and controlling.

If you are a woman, I advise you not to live in the property. He does not accept any complaints or suggestions from a woman and is not afraid to tell you this either.

When I asked the landlord to fix the issue with the damp and mice, he completely ignored it - no action was done whatsoever.

He will also blend a smoothie every night at 11 pm, and the kitchen is right next to your bedroom. Also, he generally cooks at midnight-1am and if you ask him to cook at an earlier time or even cook more quietly he will shout at you and refuse.

He will also harass you at your bedroom door at unsociable hours and send you countless abusive messages. Living there is honestly not worth the stress.

I would not live in that property again even if I were to be paid.
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