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Landlord reviews for Josephine Vercroe in Oldfield Park
1 ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
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Landlord reviews (1)
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28 April 2020
The landlady had the kitchen floor removed and never replaced it leaving an uncleanable plywood mess for the last few months of the tenancy. She did come to fix things but was very rude to her partner in the process. She completely ripped the tenants off at the end of year with regards to the deposit. She took weeks (and reminders) to reply. She charged extortionate amounts for things that were left as they were found. These couldn't be fought because she made up a separate list of 'good will gestures' that she should charge us for but wouldn't as long as we accepted the original fees. This list involved charging us for her visiting her own property, the disposal of taps that she decided to fix at our expense, despite them not being broken and so on.