Landlord reviews for

Nosheena Alam in Glasgow

Average Landlord Rating: 1
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Nosheena Alam, Glasgow

Reviewed 16 May 2020
Pathetic! Lied about the terms of our contract and the number of tenants she knew was living there. Unlicensed HMO, turns out. Tried to evict us with one months' notice instead of three (illegal) and only relented after we supplied evidence she'd lied. Extremely stressful time. Lied about the state of the property on move-in and move-out and tried to claim our full security deposit; sadly managed to keep a bit of it (note: ALWAYS take pics before moving in, we were naive). She was allowed to keep some money on the basis of an 'inventory' that we had never seen nor signed, and literally just said 'condition: good' beside every item on move-in. Number of things also broke during tenancy and she either fixed them after a good amount of time and pestering, or didn't fix at all (then blamed us for!). Originally didn't put our deposit in a scheme as legally required.
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