Reviews of house or flat to rent at

1 Church Lane, Bathavon South, Bath, BA2 7HG

Average Property Rating: 5
Number of times reviewed: 1
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1 Church Lane, Bathavon South, Bath

Reviewed 10 October 2019
The room was alright, it had a ensuite bathroom ( that could not be used when I lived there). There were three operating bathrooms in the house, none of them could be locked. Lights on would mean bathroom in use. At any time there were 7 semi permanent lodgers ( all female, including myself) and every week there would be 2 to 6 additional international high school girls staying over. It therefore regularly occurred that we were with 13 girls and one live-in male landlord. My room was connected to central heating, but the rest of the house was quite cold in the winter. During the end of the day usually a wood burning stove was lit in the back of the house, which was not enough to warm up the entire house in all honesty. There was a kitchen with all necessary supplies and the location was really beautiful. A quiet
village at the foot of the big hill, wildlife was all around with badgers, foxes, rabbits etc. The landlord frequently offered to pick me up or take me to the university at the top of the hill, which i mostly declined ( i felt more comfortable walking). Landlord was welcoming to me, but there were strange vibes in the house due to his demeanor to my fellow housemates.
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